Saving Money
The greatest savings are achieved if an electric immersion heater has been used.
The savings on electricity bills are contingent upon the projected mean price to the consumer over the next five years. We have estimated this to be at least £ 0.18 /kWh.
The TS-20-58PA has an aperture of 1.89 m2.
The energy saved is about 1.89 x 600 ≈ 1100 kWh/year and the money saved could be up to 1100 x 0.18 ≈ £ 200 /year or £1000 in 5 years.
At a retail price of about £350.00 (inclusive of VAT) this allows about £600 for ancillary equipment (e.g. electronic controller, pump, solar tank and pipe work) and still gives a payback time of 5 years for a simple self installed system.
Saving the Planet
The UK, together with the rest of the EU, is committed to a large reduction in CO2 emissions over the coming decades (30-60%).
Saving 1 kWh of electrical energy saves nearly 1 kg of CO2 emissions from a coal fired plant and about 0.5 kg of CO2 from a natural gas plant.
Thus the TS-20-58PA could reduce your annual household CO2 footprint by more than 1 tonne.
The recent steep rise in the price of gas has caused the large generating companies to open up only coal fired plants in recent years, with more planned for the future.
Burning coal produces twice as much CO2 per kWh as burning gas. In fact there has been an overall increase in emissions by about 1.5% /year across the EU.
There has been much talk about carbon capture and storage technology (C.C.S.) as a possible way out of the impasse, while permitting “business as usual”. No such technology currently exists for large scale flue gas CO2 capture, and there is no proven method of storing the vast amounts of CO2 that are currently produced. (The UK generating companies produce about 200 million tonnes per year.)
(Information on UK CO2 emissions can be found at: )
(You can find a personal CO2 Calculator at: